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In 2014 Henry V partnered with TEDxPortland to activate a day of “Ideas Worth Spreading.” TEDxasked Henry V to concept a stage and help develop content that made the room feel more intimate from every seat in the house. Commanded the attention of attendees accustomed to two-dimensional visual stimulation with a contemporary form of content delivery. Allowed presenters and creative teams the opportunity to amplify their talks and art.

The process began by researching stages of TED, TEDx and other noteworthy designs to ensure the concept would be completely original and innovative. 


Taking inspiration from “nature’s perfect shape,” the hexagon, Darwin’s theory of evolution and geometric mathematical truths, the staging department used MAYA and Auto CAD to render a 52’ W x 42’ tall, 3 dimensional surface aptly dubbed, “The Honeycomb.” This unique design embodied Technology Entertainment Design in every aspect of the 136, individual hexagons bolted together to give artists an opportunity to push their abilities to adapt to a non-rectangular canvas and provided content for attendees in a way that they had never experienced before.

The 2,900+ people that attended helped make TEDxPortland one of the largest TEDx events in the world. Throughout the day, ideas shared at TEDxPortland claimed the #1, #2 and #3 top trending topic spots on Twitter NA. 

Creative Direction: Sam Baker

Producer: Jessica Bruce

Design Lead: Chad Smith
Graphic Design: Matthew Lane


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